Brushing your Teeth with Baking Soda? Is it Safe or Not

Utilizing baking soda to brush teeth is a very common practice all around the world. Individuals think that it’s a good alternative for brushing their teeth so they trust it. Indeed, you can likewise find baking soda as a toothpaste ingredient in a few top toothpaste brands as well which clearly indicates how much baking soda is trusted with regards to cleaning the teeth. It’s usually safe to utilize baking soda to brush your teeth and this is the reason why baking soda is popular around the world since ages.

Baking soda can be beneficial in many ways–

  • It helps against plaque formation.
  • It is used to expel stains from teeth brought about by tea, coffee or tobacco.
  • It guarantees pearly white teeth by disposing of everything that removes the natural color from the teeth.
  • It avoids dental decay by not permitting plaque formation.
  • It functions as a great operator against pit development.
  • It can help fix gum infections effectively.
  • It is very helpful in battling terrible breath through acidic level balance in the food.
  • It is used a lot in treating painful mouth ulcers.

Clearly, baking soda is a helping ingredient for brushing your teeth which restores the natural white color of teeth effectively. There are a few cons too which you ought not to ignore or else these advantages may get changed over into disadvantages.

Here is the reason you ought to be cautious with utilizing baking soda for brushing your teeth.

Not a Well-Packaged Material

With toothpaste, you get a smooth packaging and you know the benefits are worth the trust. You are sure that the makers may have taken a few cautions and put together the correct ingredients. Baking soda could be messy, not giving you a chance to benefit from a neat product. So, in case you’re ready to risk your teeth, you can try this well-known kitchen ingredient and get the due outcomes.

Not Good Enough for Cavities

Try not to utilize baking soda if you want something that guarantees extraordinary outcomes with cavities; since it doesn’t. Specialists are not sure about their ability to eliminate bacteria and thus the plaque. Additionally, it doesn’t have fluoride which is fundamental in preventing cavities. You can clearly observe the limitations of baking soda which appears to be great just for cleaning your teeth to get more splendid and brighter teeth and nothing more than this.

The danger of Tooth Decay

You exactly know the amount of how much toothpaste to utilize. Regardless of whether you end up utilizing some more quantity, this won’t hurt your teeth in any capacity. Then again, you need to utilize an appropriate amount of baking soda else it could harm tooth enamel. This is the way you could be led to tooth decay just for being wrong with the amount to utilize.

Gum Damage Risks

Your gums are delicate and sensitive. They should be kept away from everything that is hard. Baking soda has rough properties which aren’t good for the gums. Also, if you didn’t utilize the mixture cautiously, it could harm your gums bit by bit without a doubt. This is the reason specialists warn against brushing the teeth with baking soda when you don’t know about the utilization.

Awful for Fillings and Retainers

Baking soda is a big no if you have fillings and retainers in your mouth. It’s awful for dental glue of any sort. It can soften the adhesive and influence the braces or different retainers in the mouth. It could likewise leave dull and dark stains. In this way, it’s smarter to avoid it. You can consult a top best dental specialist and look for a further conference in this regard.

In a nutshell

Utilizing baking soda to expel tooth stains is actually really common and natural. However, you might think about how safe this household item is for your teeth. Baking soda is a safe method to evacuate surface-level stains. Like most items, however, you should use it with certain precautions to abstain from harming your tooth enamel. The most well-known approach to utilize baking soda in your teeth whitening routine is to blend it with water into a paste and brush for two minutes.

Author Bio:

Abigail Kent is an enthusiastic writer who loves to write on lifestyle, fashion, money-saving, and travel blogs. She is currently writing for Discount Codez. An online discount coupons and promo code site. She holds a bachelor degree in computer science. Abigail loves reading books and making new friends. Say hello to her on Twitter