Summer Means More Bugs in Your Home—How to Stop Infestations Before They Begin

During the warm summer months, many pests become more active. They often seek shelter in homes to get a break from the heat as well as to find food and water. From flies and wasps to black ants, water bugs, and much more, you may notice that you are swatting away an increasing number of insects and other critters this season. Dealing with a full infestation can be stressful and unnerving. In some cases, it may affect your health and well-being. The best way to approach a pest problem is to stop an infestation before it begins. These tips can help you to accomplish this important goal.

Keep Your Home Sealed

Insects and small critters may seek the cool temperatures of your home as the temperature outside begins to rise. Pests can enter your house through open doors and windows, and they can also enter through even the smallest cracks. You do not want to make it easier for them to enter your home, so keep doors and windows closed throughout the summer. In addition, apply new seals to the doors and windows. If you notice gaps in your exterior siding, now is the time to re-caulk the gaps and to add a fresh layer of paint.

Reduce Temptation

Different pests enter your home for various reasons. One of those reasons is to find food. Get in the habit of only eating in your breakfast or dining room. Clean your dining area and kitchen thoroughly after each meal. Take your trash out regularly, and keep the trash dumpster farther away from your home when possible. Dog and cat food bowls should be emptied and put away when it is not your pets’ mealtime.

Use Preventative Pest Control Services

If you have not called a pest control service to set up preventative service, now is the right time to do so. Monthly treatments around the exterior of your home can kill existing critters and keep others from venturing onto your property from nearby areas. Keep in mind that the pest control company in your area will use specialized treatments based on the pests that are most prevalent and problematic in your location.

Look for Signs of Unwanted Guests

Even when you take all of these steps, you may still have at least a couple of unwanted guests from time to time. Pests can multiply quickly. More than that, if they found a way into your home, others may likely follow. At the first sign of unwanted guests, contact your pest control company for a one-time visit to deal with the intruders. This additional treatment may be based on the area where they pests entered the home and the type of bugs that you identified.

Pest infestations and summer months unfortunately go together. However, you do not need to deal with this problem unnecessarily. Use these tips to prevent infestations and to enjoy all that the season offers without hassle.


Addy Reeds is a freelance writer from Eugene, Oregon. She discovered her passion for journalism while attending the University of Oregon. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook: @addyreeds1;