Female Hair Loss: What It Is and How to Treat It

Most people only associate hair loss with men. However, over 50% of women experience noticeable hair loss in their lifetime, making it a prevalent problem for everyone.

Signs of hair thinning or loss can be difficult for any woman to come to terms with, but there’s no need to panic. Female hair loss, thinning, and shedding are all extremely common and often treatable.

Hair loss may be triggered by a variety of factors, such as hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause, stress or bodily shock, personal hairstyling, medical conditions, genetics, or aging. If you notice patchy or sudden hair loss, it’s important to consult a doctor or dermatologist to determine the treatment.

Regardless of the cause, there are safe and effective ways to alleviate these conditions. To help, here are four simple ways you can help reduce hair loss and promote growth:

1. Change Up Your Diet

Nutritional deficiencies may cause acute telogen effluvium (TE), a condition in which hair thins and becomes more prone to falling out. However, these deficiencies can typically be addressed through dietary changes with the guidance of a doctor or dietician.

One way you can preserve the health of your hair follicles is by incorporating more nutrients, such as iron, fatty acids, protein, and biotin into your diet. Foods, such as eggs, salmon, beans, and red meat serve as excellent sources of nutrients that can help repair and strengthen hair follicles. Including these in your diet may help reduce the amount of hair loss you experience and even aid hair growth over time.

2. Utilize Hair Growth Treatments

To help prolong the growth phase of hair and accelerate the growth cycle, your doctor may prescribe topical medications, such as Minoxidil or corticosteroids. Minoxidil is commonly prescribed to women who experience female pattern baldness and works by widening the hair follicle. Corticosteroids are most frequently used to treat alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that causes rapid and unpredictable hair loss. It works by suppressing the immune system to stop the body from preventing hair growth.

More often than not, you may need to use more than one product to remedy hair loss. Depending on your specific diagnosis, products specifically aimed at treating hair loss, such as nutrient-rich shampoos, conditioners, and vitamins, may help reduce shedding, strengthen hair follicles, and actively accelerate hair growth.

3. Avoid Damaging Hairstyles

Styling your hair in ways that pull on roots can lead to traction alopecia, which is gradual hair loss as a result of constant pulling and strain applied to your hair. Hairstyles, such as braids, ponytails, cornrows, and buns can damage your hair follicles and even lead to permanent hair loss.

To preserve the health of your hair, try leaving it down or styling it looser and lower on your head. In addition, consider using a wide-toothed comb and a soft touch when brushing to prevent applying any unnecessary force to your hair. Frequently switching up hairstyles can also help reduce hair loss as it allows your follicles to recover and regrow.

4. Make Lifestyle Changes

There are a number of stressful situations that can trigger hair loss. Particularly taxing events, such as the death of a loved one, relationship issues, or childbirth, may lead to conditions, such as telogen effluvium, alopecia areata, or trichotillomania.

While excessive stress can take a toll on your physical and mental well-being, it doesn’t have to seriously impact your hair. Making simple lifestyle changes can help prevent shedding and thinning. Consider mitigating stress-induced hair loss by exercising regularly, sticking to a consistent sleep schedule, seeking professional help, eating healthy, and separating yourself from major sources of stress.

While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for female hair loss, implementing these tips can great first step to maintaining, restoring and growing a full, natural head of hair.