TOP 8 Car MUST HAVEs For Your Nevada Road Trip

Your bags are already packed. You are almost on your way! Where to? You are going to your perfectly planned Vegas vacation. This legendary place was always the most attractive travel destination. But don’t be so quick! You are going to Vegas and you’d better to be ready to meet all the city requirements. This is a place where people try to correspond to the trend of times. That’s why your hotel, your rental car, and your image must be at a very high level.


It is not difficult to keep up with the fashion in Las Vegas. All the central hotels are organized with casinos, bars, dance halls, and millions of night attractions. Speaking about cars, you can go crazy and pick the most extravagant car that car rental can give you. The truth is that not all of you can effort renting the latest luxurious cars. Of course, you’ll pay a lot for your pink Limo, but you can take the car hourly and save much money on it. Whatever car you have, you can keep it up with the latest trend of automobiles.

So, what do you do? Make a little upgrade to your rental car! There are innovative and useful car gadgets that can help to make your old car look like a new Vegas auto. Anyway, these little helpers make you feel more comfortable during the Las Vegas trip.


  1. Mirror dash camera

If you want to see more and drive safer, you need that camera. Actually, this gadget comes with two cameras for your auto. One camera is placed in front of your car to help you to have a wide viewing angle. The second and more powerful camera helps to see the road way ahead. Also, the gadget is equipped with a touchscreen display to connect to your car and monitor the traffic situation.

  1. Portable charger

Portable battery charger is MUST HAVE for all the travelers. You usually take your iPhone, laptop and other electronic essentials. Of course, you want to stay in touch with your friends, follow them in social media, snap and make videos before your battery died. Of course, you need a charger to keep your gadgets alive and never miss your opportunities to take photos.

  1. Electronic organizer

How many devices do you bring with you when you travel? Of course, it can be rather useful to have all you gadgets near at hand. But on the other hand, it can be irritating to get all your electronic devices and cables, wires mixed up. There is a good solution! You can pack all your cables and gadgets in a special organizer to keep all your stuff in order.

  1. Objects finder

People find it useful! Why do you need an object finder? This small gadget will always help you to find something in an environment which is not familiar. It can be a hotel room, your rental car, travel bag. You will never lose your phone or keys.

  1. Noise-cancel headphones

Never forget that Las Vegas is a noisy place with an active night life. Sometimes, it’s really hard to get some sleep even in your hotel. You need to take your noise-cancel headphones to create a quiet environment in your room and feel fresh for tomorrow morning.

  1. Moisturizer

Las Vegas is situated in a dessert area. Your skin gets dry very fast. You should buy a portable room moisturizer. This is the key to make your skin soft and healthy. Also, you can apply special cosmetic products to moisturize your skin after shower and before you go out.

  1. Air conditioner

Almost all the cars are equipped with air conditioners. It becomes so easy to regulate temperature in the summer or winter months. Believe it or not, but a desert winter is windy and chilly. Don’t forget your long-sleeve jacket!

  1. Place to keep your cash

You need a credit card to pay for your rental car and probably for your hotel. It is impossible to book and pay for the service online if you don’t have a credit card. You are in Vegas! This is a city of casinos. You may need a clutch or a money clip to keep your cash safe.

Don’t forget that you’d better to work at your image before you go. You can rent the best car and book a room in a stylish hotel. That’s not enough to feel homy in the Sin City. Vegas is full of well-dressed folk. Therefore you may want to dress super sleek and super cool. But watch your shoes! Ladies, don’t wear massive heels. Remember, you will stay on heels for the whole night, running between casinos and restaurants. You will look silly barefooted.