How Augmented Reality Contributes to Our Life


Augmented Reality becomes more popular partly because of the phenomenal Pokemon Go. The technology actually contributes not only in entertainment but also in many aspects of our life including, business, industries, and so forth. Let’s see how Augmented Reality(AR) technology contributes to our life.


AR tech will generate computed images of the prospectively finished property. It allows the customer to get the overview in 3D instead of 2D so they can see the closest display of a house, apartment, condos, and so forth. You can save up space and provide the display in a convenient way. In an advanced application, AR also allows the augmented customization real-time where the customer can simulate the changes of color, size, positions, designs, decorations, and other elements. An agent would sell more while the customer will get their dreamed property, what a win-win solution.

Improving Online Shopping

Even though online shopping has taken over significant parts of conventional shopping, it still lacks real shopping experience. AR allows the customers to experience realistic shopping experience where they can walk through the store, select the products from the display, check the prices, picking up and back, and so forth. It’s on the way to be applied in the real world and soon the AR shopping services would be available in supermarket and warehouses.


We can say goodbye to travel flyers or brochure soon as AR offers a more convincing and convenient way to pick up your travel packages. Soon, you can access AR-based travel apps on your own phone and check the travel destinations and things to do there in a realistic way. It will both help you to pick your destination and activities more effectively and the travel agents can sell more packages and develop. In other hands, AR is used to explore extreme places without your real presence there.


Today, you the medical students are using VR to simulate the real surgery. Surgeons would no longer need multiple displays to monitor the vital statistic so they can more focus on the operation. AR would help them to perform surgeries more effectively.


AR is effectively used to educate children. The technology helps them to understand the concepts, theories, and practices more effectively through a more realistic simulation based on the subjects and objects studied. Of course, it would require hard works in creating the relevant contents but indeed a promising learning method is on the way.