Health Benefits of Propolis


Propolis is a naturally occurring antibiotic that showcases the wonder of Mother Nature. Bees are highly organized insects. Some trees use sticky resins as a way to protect themselves against various external threats. Honey bees collect resin from plants, after mixing it with saliva and various substances, we get a propolis. It is made as a way to sterilize the bee hive, by eradicating infection and various diseases. Propolis should inhibit fungi, bacteria and viruses from causing problems inside the hive. Closely-knit quarters inside the bee nest should be a perfect growth place for microorganisms, but it is clear this is not the case. Due to its consistency and property, propolis is also used by honey bees to seal openings and cracks. Honeycomb can be repaired and strengthened. So, we could also call propolis as bee glue.

It is also an interesting fact that propolis is used to petrify the carcass of bigger insects that attack the hive, which ease their removal. The embalmed carcass won’t decompose inside the nest, which could ruin the overall hygiene. Propolis is consisted of between 50 to 70 percent of resin and 30 percent of wax. The remaining components are etheric oils and pollen. It is rich in amino acid, bioflavonoids, vitamin A and vitamin B complex. It means that we can get excellent health benefits. Bioflavonois are found in vegetables and fruits, but weight for weight, propolis has 500 times bioflavonoid compared to fresh orange. It also contains various minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Just like bee pollen and royal jelly, propolis should also allow us create a balanced physical condition. In its unprocessed and raw form, propolis is sticky and can be quite difficult to manage. For easier consumption, you may freeze small bits of propolis, which can be ground for easier consumption. Propolis should provide us enough protection against invaders. Tissues can be regenerated and healing is promoted when we consume enough propolis. Propolis can be used as ointments to increase the healing rate of wounds and cuts. It means that propolis is a safe alternative to penicillin and various antibiotics. Propolis should be excellent when used internally and externally. Infections can be prevented, while infections that have started can be healed.

You may also use toothpaste that contains propolis to improve the hygiene of your mouth. It means that you will be able to develop the full taste of food. Propolis prevents gum from receding and heals bleeding gum as well. It means that gums can be healthy and your teeth will be cleaner. There should be no negative side effects with regular consumptions of propolis. Propolis is non toxic, but you should be aware that some people may show allergic reactions. Symptoms may include fever, redness, swelling and skin rashes. Also, there are no studies about potential effects of propolis on pregnant and breast-feeding mothers; so its usage should be regulated. It is safer if the use of propolis is regulated by a doctor.