How To Make Your Home Feel More Calm

Everyone deserves for their home to feel super calming, so it can act as a sanctuary for them after a long and stressful day. If you don’t currently feel that way about your home, we are here to give you some really simple and affordable ways to make your home feel more calm, so you can fully relax when you are in it. From something as simple as adding a few cosy elements to finding your favourite calming scent, with a few simple swaps you will soon begin to feel a greater sense of calm in your home. 


Have Calming Scents Around Your Home

We all want our home to smell wonderful, but particular smells also have the added benefits of encouraging calmness! So, choose how you want to add the scent to your home, perhaps through scent diffuser sticks, candles, air fresheners or an essential oil aroma diffuser. If you do choose candles, just make sure to only use them when you are nearby! 

Next, it’s time to choose the scent. A few classic calming scents are lavender, vanilla, sage, clean linen, bergamot or ylang ylang. Once you have found the scent you love and start to use it regularly in your home, you will feel an immediate sense of calm when you get home and take in the smell. It can also bring quite a luxury feel to your home. This is a wonderful way to add character to your home whilst also helping you to fully unwind and experience a sense of calm. 


Add Typography Wall Art

Sometimes all we need is a small reminder that everything will be okay to help us feel calm again, which is where typography wall art prints come in. Typography wall art contains short quotes, some that are playful or funny and others that are calming and encouraging. Having a stunning piece of wall art with a quick reminder that ‘Everything Happens For A Reason’ or ‘Love The Skin You’re In’ could be just what you need in that moment to feel more calm. 

This might not work for everyone, but many people are very visual, in which case this is a great option. If your mood is influenced more by other senses, perhaps the calming scents might be a better option! 


Invest In House Plants

Houseplants are another wonderful addition to your home to help bring a sense of calmness and serenity. Plants have a fantastic way of reducing anxiety and stress, helping you to stay calm. This is a completely natural way to calm your mood whilst also making a beautiful decoration in your home. 

If you are new to the world of houseplants, then it is best to start with low maintenance options. Chinese money plants, spider plants, aloe vera and peace lillies are all great options that are very hard to kill! Be warned, once you start buying houseplants, you won’t be able to stop. 


Keep A Neutral Colour Palette

When it comes to the main colour palette in your home, the best choice that induces feelings of calmness is a neutral colour palette. This acts as a subtle background for the rest of the home, meaning you can add pops of colour where you want to, but the majority will be simple and understated. The lack of bright contrast should really help you to feel relaxed. Introducing very pale blue shades and soft greys can also help to induce calmness. 

If you like to have colour around your home, perhaps keep your bedroom very neutral. At the end of the day, you know you have a space with few distractions, to help you fully unwind and feel calm, allowing you to get a good night’s sleep. We all deserve to feel at ease in our home, and introducing a neutral colour palette is a fantastic way to do that. 


Add Cosy Elements

Last but not least, you should add cosy elements to your home! Soft furnishings, e.g. soft pillows, cushions, rugs and blankets, are an essential part of interior design that helps you to feel safe and relaxed when life can get overwhelming. Without these elements, it can feel quite difficult to fully relax and get cosy. 

So, invest in a big chunky knit throw or some really comfy throw cushions to go on your current furniture and you will be surprised at what a big difference it can make to how you feel, especially in the Winter! 

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it! With these simple tips, you should feel much calmer in your home. Even if you only make one small change, it has the ability to have a big impact on how you feel.