Digital Marketing Tools Real Estate Agents Every Day for Their Businesses

The real estate market is booming right now, and if you’re a real estate agent, that’s great news for you. However, without the proper digital marketing tools, it can be difficult to find clients, build networks, and sell houses. There is a lot of competition out there, and it can be hard to get your offerings to outshine the others, especially when you’re a new name in the industry without much recognition. 

Fortunately, there are several interesting ways to market yourself, your real estate business, and your properties that you might not have thought of before. Here are some ideas on ways you can market your new real estate projects effectively to potential clients.

Social Media

The days of using social media solely for posting pictures of daily occurrences are long gone. These days, social media is a vital digital marketing tool for nearly all businesses including real estate. Maintaining a social media presence is a great way to build a network of colleagues, relationships with past clients, and get the attention of new customers.

If you don’t have time to maintain your own social media page, you may want to work with a homes real estate marketing service. This type of service can help you build a presence across the mainstream platforms. They can also help you position yourself as an authority on B2B platforms as well. These specialized services put you in front of your target market on their terms.

Your Own Website

Compared to something as far-reaching as social media, having your own website might not seem as important. However, it’s the exact opposite. Your company’s website is perhaps the most crucial digital marketing tool a real estate agent can have. In many cases, your website is what ultimately determines who becomes a customer. Social media is how you drive traffic to your website. Before attempting to convert people into clients, you need to optimize your site to make it more efficient and responsive. SEO needs to be incorporated to make you appear in people’s search engines.


CRM is the abbreviation for customer relationship management. Customer satisfaction should always be a top priority of any business, especially in real estate. Reviews and recommendations still have a lot of power in any industry, but they’re especially important in real estate where transactions are so large and potentially life changing. Any client that is not happy enough with the service or what’s being offered to them can have a profound effect on your business future business. If you’re looking for a CRM, there are many platforms to choose from such as Hubspot and Zoho.


Some people think that email is outdated and no longer useful in today’s society. But this is not true in the slightest, especially when it comes to marketing for real estate. Sending out emails is how you showcase featured properties or new additions to the market. You can start skimming through and choosing houses to include in your email marketing campaigns.

Hire a Writer for Your Listings

The majority of real estate agents and brokers tend to write their own listings. They will take the details and facts about each property or new construction and list them on their website or in handouts to clients. This can be effective and may gain buyers for your properties, but since everyone is doing the same thing, you still have a lot of businesses to compete against. It can also be a time consuming task.

Instead, hire a writer to create your listings for you. A writer has the skills and techniques to take the details about your project and turn it into a listing that will catch buyers’ attention. They can draw interest in your project or listings in a way that simple facts and details can’t. This can help potential buyers visualize living there or working in that space.

Have a Blog

In recent years, professionals are learning the importance of having a blog on their website. This blog can include information about the real estate industry as a whole, your new project, or upcoming projects you are working on. It could even discuss new technologies and interests in the industry.

You could have posts about how the neighborhood around your new project has changed or could be uplifted by your project. You could even allow guest posts from local business owners talking about what those coming into the area could expect to find there.

Have Video Blogs Too

A great way to generate interest in your new or existing projects is to have video blogs as well. You could shoot video of your project’s development, or talk to contractors working on the project. If you have existing homes to sell, take a tour around the home and explain why it would be a good fit for your clients.

You could have sit-down chats with past clients and get testimonials. You can even have a tour around your office and introduce your staff so potential clients feel welcomed and more willing to choose you over another agent.

Real estate agents are successes in their own right. But with the right digital marketing tools at their disposal, they’ll be doing more business than they expected. If you’re new to real estate, it’s important to incorporate these tools as quickly as possible. Taking the time to learn more about marketing on social media and about other tools for digital marketing will improve your visibility and possibly the number of homes you sell as well.