Digital Footprint: How We Protect It


Joining the online world would make you leave the digital footprint it doesn’t matter what kind of activities you’ve done. Even though you’re not creating or accessing any accounts in a particular platform you still leave a footprint which can be the target of frauds and data theft. However, being online is inevitable for millennials as they need to stay connected to each other. At this point, it’s very important for us to know how we protect our digital data theft.

Setting Distinctive Password

The password should be unique and it’s suggested to have different passwords for every account in your e-mail, social media, and other platforms. Avoid any dictionary words to build your passwords. Use the combination characters, upper case, lower case, and numerics whenever it’s allowed.

Using Password Manager

If you have tens of account, you should end with tens of different passwords as well. Don’t get lost, use a password manager service to keep your passwords on track. Forgetting passwords would be no longer a problem as you’re using a password manager.

Managing Social Media

It’s highly suggested to manage your social media well. There is no exact theory about this but you need to be careful and selective while posting anything to your accounts especially social media.

Updating Your OS

It’s very important to regularly update your device OS whenever it’s available. Updates usually come with improvements including your privacy protection.   OS may expose your digital prints to more risks of data theft.

Using Internet Security Software

Whether you’re using PC, smartphones, tablets, or other mobile devices, you should ensure that Internet Security Software is installed. It would protect both your device and data while you’re online. It also blocks harmful sites and malware which threat your data and privacy.

Multi-Layered Authorization

Two steps authorization is mandatory when you’re banking, investing, or accessing financial accounts online. An additional authorization number would be required to access your account aside your own password. A manual input would be required for the authorization while in the future, biometrics or fingerprints could be used.

Never Share Your Password

It’s a classic tip but never goes wrong. Perhaps, you’ve done advanced steps to protect your digital footprint but sometimes you just forget the basic rule to not share anything about your digital account to anyone. Above all, keep your password for yourself.