How to Prevent Winter Sports Injuries?

When the days are short and the temperatures are low, it is obviously more challenging for us to perform exercises. However, this is still a favourite time for many sports enthusiasts. However, we should know that no matter how skilled we are at ice skating and skiing, it is still possible for us to get serious injuries while performing a favourite activity. It is important for us to try to stay safe, especially if we hit the slopes every weekend. For many people, this is better than curling up by the fireplace. It is important for us to know about the risks and how to enjoy winter as a wonderful time to participate in any kind of relevant sports. The physical exercise should also allow us to prevent the overall feeling of melancholy. It is important for us to be fully aware of the risks and we shouldn’t hesitate to be highly active. As an example, beginners shouldn’t strain themselves, especially if their bodies haven’t been fully conditioned to perform specific things. It is likely that you haven’t been on skis for more than 8 months, so you still shouldn’t strain yourself, even if you are a pro. After a long break, our muscles are more susceptible to injuries. So, it is important to prepare your muscles before a winter sports trip.

You should be more prepared by performing active stretching and weight lifting sessions. Even video games, such as Nintendo Wii should be able to keep some of your muscle groups active with snowboarding or skiing games. Compared to summer sports, you need to extend the warm up session during the winter days. It is recommended to have about a 20-minute warm up session in a relatively warmer place before doing a winter sports activity. In order to avoid any kind of injury, you should check all of your gears twice. It is important that you have the right kinds of gears. As an example, you need to have water resistant footwear during sledding and a helmet during snowboarding. Without these gears, you will be more susceptible to injuries. You need to make sure that each equipment and gear is in a perfect working order.  One big mistake when we perform winter sports is thinking that we don’t need to drink a lot of water. In reality, we need to be properly hydrated.

Just like during the summer, we also need to drink some water every hour. During the winter, our perspiration evaporates quickly, because the air is dry, especially when it is windy. We need to drink even if we are not thirsty. When we experience weakness and muscle cramps, it is possible that we are dehydrated. It is also important that you dress for the chill and without proper dress, our body will undergo extreme temperature shifts. Our dress should be consisted of layered clothing that is breathable, moisture resistant and light. You also need to wear sunglasses and sunscreen, because fresh, white snow reflects damaging UV rays to your face and eyes.