Lead generation plays an important role in the success of any business, as this is the initial step in the sales funnel. With so many different options, lead generation can seem overwhelming and complicated. It does not have to be like that.

In this article, I will cover the lead generation trends to follow in 2020. They have already proven their credibility and profitability, so you will surely benefit.

  1. Influence marketing

Influencing marketing is one of the key trends in lead generation. Increasingly, more and more companies find influencers in their niche and collaborate with them. This trend has been around for a while and has caused its reliability.

Influencers can have a thousand to million followers, who are not only loyal but also trust what influencers say and follow the trends they set. Because influence has the trust of its audience, followers are exposed to the brand. This can mean rapid lead generation, increasing conversion rates, and good ROI for your brand.

  1. Video marketing

Video popularity grew significantly in 2019. Experts have predicted that they will account for 82% of total web traffic by 2022. Research has also shown that 60% of people prefer to watch videos than read television or read. Video marketing has great potential to increase engagement, reach and drive sales. It is a very important lead generation strategy to increase authority and trust.

You can increase your lead generation by publishing your videos in the following spaces:

  • YouTube channel: YouTube is the main social media platform where you can generate dozens of potential clients through videos.
  • Social media posts: People spend more than 2 hours a day on social media. This means that you can find a lot of leads there, especially when you consider the fact that video posts on social media get 48% more views. Consequently, the more people recognize your brand, the more loyal they will become over time.
  • Video in emails – By email, you can nurture leads and convert them. Educational videos are best for your email marketing strategy.
  1. Email Marketing

Email marketing is still popular and effective. 72% of customers prefer email as their previous communication channel. This means that it can serve as a great lead generation strategy.

Email marketing helps you build brand credibility as well as build trust. Apart from this, the use of email marketing will develop relationships between your clients and potential clients.

Email marketing allows you to reach out to hot and cold leads, deliver weekly newsletters, educate leads about your product, always keep in mind, and segment and customize to be even more reliable.