4 Questions to Ask Before Replacing a Roof

Eventually, in every home’s lifetime, the roof will have to be replaced. For those new to home ownership, it’s a daunting task and can be an anxious time. The list of questions is long but there are a few starter questions that should help put your mind at ease.

Before asking questions, you’ll need to decide the type of roof you want. Most go with the tried-and-true asphalt roofing, usually good for up to twenty years. Metal roofing can last up to seventy years. There are newer and other options, such as shingles made of solar panels and terra cotta style shingles. It all depends on your budget, the area you live in, and personal taste.

Once the decision is made, it’s time to ask the questions and find the right roofing company to install your new roof.

Licensing, Insurance, Bond, and Warranty

Before starting any work, you have to find the right roofing contractor. When in the discovery phase, be sure to ask all of them for a copy of their license, insurance, proof they are bonded and ask about a warranty. All of these are to ensure it is not someone attempting to take advantage of you, especially after hurricanes, blizzards, and tornadoes have hit an area. Legitimate contractors will not go door to door looking for work, and won’t have any problems showing proof of each of these things. Be sure to ask about any warranty on the work and materials.

What are the roofing options?

Once you find the right contractor for you, then it’s on to the fun stuff. You’ll need to talk to them about all the options and what you are looking for in a roof. From the cheap and easiest option of asphalt to the heavy and expensive slate options, a good contractor can talk to you about what you can and can’t do. Plus they also can give a general timeline for each type of roof installation.

Do they do the work, or do they use subcontractors?

It’s important to know the difference. If they do use subcontractors, you’ll need to ask them the same questions in regards to warranty, insurance, licensing and bonding. Plus it’s always a good idea to know who is going to be on your property, sometimes in your house, and tearing off your roof before installing the new one. If they need parts like industrial washers or screws to they have them on hand or will you have to wait to get parts? These are all questions to ask when booking. You should make sure they have a project manager that thinks ahead.

The legal name of their company and physical address

While this seems to be kind of a no-brainer, many don’t think about it as they navigate the waters of roof installation. Just as you need to know payment requirements and options, getting all of the estimates, and deciding on a type of roof, you do need to know the physical location and the name they operate under. Be cautious and check if they have complaints, legal action, the address is correct, and the legal name is on the license(s), insurance and bond. Know before you sign the contract.