Potential Causes of Allergies

Allergy is essentially caused over-reactive immune system and it is important that our immune system is able to correctly identify potential foreign substances, such as bacteria, viruses and hyperactive cells. They need to be eradicated, before they can make us sick. A healthy immune system produces strong antibodies that can combat foreign invaders appropriately. If… Continue reading Potential Causes of Allergies

Things You Should Know About Stroke

Stroke happens when your blood vessel is obstructed, which is often happen just outside the brain. However, in some cases, stroke can also happen in blood vessels, inside the brain. There are things that elevate the risk of stroke, such as family members who had stroke, obesity, prolonged uses of contraceptives, lack of exercise, smoking,… Continue reading Things You Should Know About Stroke

How Antibiotics Can Cause Digestion Problems?

  After its discovery, antibiotics are often seen as a panacea and the humble fungus was hailed as the savior of mankind. However, our excessive reliance on the substance could backfire. Antibiotics don’t differentiate what organisms they kill inside our body and they could eradicate good bacteria inside our body. There’s no doubt that antibiotics… Continue reading How Antibiotics Can Cause Digestion Problems?

How to Have Good Relationships with Doctors?

There’s a time when doctors and patients tend to annoy one another. However, it is important to avoid make the doctor gets annoyed both unintentionally and intentionally. When dealing with doctors, we often need to get prescription and it is quite frequent that patients simply get confused. Even for mild illnesses, we should keep a… Continue reading How to Have Good Relationships with Doctors?

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

  Aloe vera is well known for its various health benefits and its usages date all the way back millennia ago, such in ancient Egyptian civilization. Numerous studies have provided the medicinal validation of aloe vera and it could become a natural healer. In reality, there are 300 species in the Aloe plant family. As… Continue reading Health Benefits of Aloe Vera